Welcome to the San Marcos City Clerk's Office birth and death certificate online ordering system. Online requests will be processed during normal business hours, Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 8:00 am -11:45 am and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm.  Orders with expedited service will not be mailed until the next business day if received after 1:30 PM.


This is an official request for a record from the San Marcos City Clerk's Office 's Office. The information contained in this request is confidential. Please complete all information in full and then finalize the order process through payment of the 'order fee'.

You will be notified by email when your document is ready for pick-up.

The fee payment will be paid through Permitium Payments.  The charge will show on your credit card statement as 'PermVitalRecs'. This is a secure and trusted provider of payment services.

Please note the following:

      • Birth records for San Marcos City Clerk's Office and surrounding areas are available back to 1906.

      • Death Records are available only for decedents who pass within the San Marcos City Clerk's Office limits.



The State Office is requiring that all applicants upload a form of identification when submitting their application. Click on the button below for information on the forms of identification acceptable. When applying online, we only accept PRIMARY forms of identification (Group A).

Click here for list of forms of identification

Click below to see who is eligible to request a birth/death certificate, as there are restrictions:

Click here for FAQs on applying for a Birth/Death Certificate

Back to the San Marcos City Clerk's Office Website

The Following Vital Records May Be Requested Online:
Certified Birth Certificate $23.00 ea
Certified Death Certificate

Additional Certified Copies $4.00 each

* An additional Non-Refundable $5 Service and Credit Card Processing Fee will be applied to all online orders 
* An additional Non-Refundable $0.75 VitalVerify fee will be applied to all 'delivery' orders.


Shipping Options


Standard Shipping $1.75


You will be asked to select the method of receiving the certificates during the application. You will be notified by us once we have processed your application and the certificates are out for mail or ready for pickup.

For More Information, Contact:

San Marcos City Clerk's Office
630 E. Hopkins St.
San Marcos, Texas, 78666

Phone: 512-393-8087
Fax: 855-246-9100
Email: Vitals@sanmarcostx.gov


For Technical Support, Contact:

Permitium Software
Email: help@permitium.com